Peel Tomatoes

  1. Remove any stickers and wash the tomato thoroughly.
  2. Remove the stem with a paring knife. And cut a shallow X on the bottom of the tomato. This will make peeling much easier.
  3. Fill a big bowl with ice water and set it aside. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  4. Drop the tomato into the boiling water. You can add several at a time. Remove them after 30 seconds or when the skin begins to peel and put them into the bowl of ice water.
  5. Let the tomatoes sit in the ice bath for 5 minutes.
  6. Once the tomatoes have chilled, remove them from the ice water. The tomatoes should still be very firm, with the skin wrinkled and coming off the flesh.
  7. Peel the skins off with your hands.
  8. If the skin is stubborn, use a small sharp paring knife to remove the pieces that won’t budge, being careful not to squeeze the tomato.